OpenELIS Digital Lab Information System

OpenELIS Global is an open enterprise-level laboratory information system software designed specifically for public health laboratories. It is based on open source, web-based technologies and has been successfully deployed and used at a national scale in various settings, from small general hospital labs to national reference laboratory networks.

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  • DIGI is the technical steward of OpenELIS
  • Supporting design, engineering, and implementation of national-scale information systems

Components of

  • Tools for automating updates from structured guidelines into a FHIR Implementation Guide, CQL for indicator generation and CDS, and the generation of appropriately mapped terminologies in a format that works with the Open Concept Lab.
  • Testing harness for ensuring logical consistency for indicators and CDS

WHO SMART Computable Care Guidelines for HIV

The goal of SMART computable care guidelines for HIV is to shorten the time between the publishing of new WHO guidelines for HIV care and their technical implementation on the ground


Data Pipelines using FHIR

Google supported Open Health Stack (OHS) provides FHIR analytics tools, such as FHIR data pipes to enable a FHIR data store to be queried for use in analysis and visualization.

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  • Technical project management
  • Updated FHIR-standards
